Bobby Dodd

B obby Dodd shines when he skates… literally. Stories circulate that when Bobby lands a trick, you can actually see the rippling after-steeze break out like a wave and crawl off into the horizon. Bobby has a solid reputation of being hands-down THE MAN; an “on and off the board BOSS!” But you don’t have … Read More

Steve Perdue

Meet an Unsung Hero of American Folklore, Skateboarder Steve Perdue, as he continues to share his talent, dedication & love of skateboard culture.

Connor Ferguson

Check out the latest photo & video highlights from Fireside Skateboarding ambassador Connor Ferguson and find out when he’ll be on tour next!

Tyler Price

Tyler Price has certainly left a carbon footprint. Check our some of our favorite video parts and photos of the Diesel Division™ ‘s finest.

Julian Quevedo

Julian Quevedo F or two-decades and counting, this street soldier hasn’t skipped a beat. Julian Quevedo, A.K.A. San Jose’s “Ledgend,” takes the concept of consistence to an entire newfound level, switch-front crooking corners of the map where few feet have fared, while skating anything and everything in between. Seeing him in the wild is as … Read More

Storm Fogg

Check out photo & videos from Fireside alum Storm Fogg.

Adam Crew

A s the founder of FIREXSIDE, Adam Crew has spent the past 20 years of his life becoming a jack of all trades, and in the end, has emerged a master of many. He spent his early years riding for companies like Venture Trucks, Pig Wheels, and Popwar. During his career, he took a great … Read More

Kameron Loveless

Check out the latest photo & video highlights from Fireside Street Soldier, Kameron Loveless.

Alan Chou

Meet Alan Chou, our newest team member and 2nd reason to visit Reno 😉