o say Jesse Erickson was multifaceted is an understatement. As a skateboarder, his amazing parts go back decades. He was one of the founders and a main driving force in the Tiltmode Army movement, a crew that put San Jose on the map as something much more than just “that place near SF.” He was also one of the earliest champions in Team Toe history. The films he would make of his friends were both timeless and hilarious. His time spent as a team manager would put him in charge of some of the illest dudes to ever step on a board—we’re looking at you Guzman. To us, however, Jesse’s contributions to skateboarding were just the tip of the iceberg. The lengths he would go for those he loved outshined everything else he did—even amidst his tough-guy persona. Although today, Jesse’s body may be gone, his larger-than-life legacy will live forever—through his influence on skateboarding—through his tear-jerking shenanigans—through the unconditional love he had for those who loved him.